Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What to buy a female who trains for Christmas….

Dry Shampoo - We like you all think our hair is clean, when we really haven’t washed it in almost 4 days – we don’t see the point when we know its only going to get sweaty again.

ActiveWear – You may think we have enough activewear….. but we don’t! If it starts with ‘L’ you get brownie points…. ** cough ** Lululemon ** cough, cough ** Lorna Jane.

Runners – These are a tough personal selection so why not leave the selecting up to us and opt for a foot locker or east bay voucher so we don’t end up with god knows what, which we’ll be forced to wear only because we love you to much to tell you.

Bobby pins and Hair Ties – There is nothing worse then feeling your rats tail hanging in the breeze with no bobby pin to secure that sh*t up – and if we break a hair tie – it’ll be our last hair tie and it’ll be mid training session, sure other girls will have spares but we are better off asking for their blood.

Laser Hair Removal Voucher – Shaving is so pre-training days & we are sick of getting caught with our arms up and a 5 o’clock shadow, plus knowing you are hairless give you one less thing to worry about while doing yoga in little shorties.

Biebers New Album – We need some bangers to listen to while on our fasted walks & while cleaning the house, after listening to it on repeat I swear he tries to serenade you.

Socks – as ridiculous as this sounds socks are a necessity - Why? a) You don’t realise how expensive they are until you move out of home and mum stops buying them and b) One always seems to go missing?!

If you think you being cute by buying us a 5kg kettlebell we are more then likely going to knock you over the head with it, b*tch please.

Peanut Butter – I don’t know there is something about peanut butter and fitness that just go hand in hand. Actually there is something about peanut butter and EVERYTHING that go hand in hand.

Massage Voucher – If you aren’t willing to massage our sore, aching, tired muscles that’s fine leave it to a professional – 1 hour full body please & thank you!

And if none of those tickle your fancy we are ALWAYS keen for a puppy.

Girls, share this & save your partner from buying you a crap present this year.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Monday, October 26, 2015


On my recent trip to China I got the opportunity discover their way of living – although very different to us (squat toilets, chop sticks and chicken feet are included in their everyday living) one thing stood out – the only over weight people in China were the western tourist! The over weight Chinese were like an endangered spices – they stood out like dogs balls compared to the rest of the nation, over weight locals would have just blended in on the streets of Australia.

So what do they do so differently to keep that spare tyre off?!

Well throughout the week I began to discover why we as a country are so fat here are a few things I noticed…

1) The whole time I was in China I saw like 5 McDonalds – there was hardly any take away restaurants – there version of ‘take-out’ was lining up for some freshly made dumplings, squid or chicken.

2) It was really hard for us to find somewhere to eat for breakfast – from what I saw they are not big breakfast eaters – there is no sourdough, acai bowls or bacon and eggs – I have read a lot about how breakfast is actually not the most important meal of the day and I believe it.

3) It was not uncommon so see the locals walking around with a plastic bag of boiled eggs. At first I was confused and thought it was so random! Then I saw a family on one of our tours squatting (in perfect form I might add) peeling their eggs and I realised it was a common snack – no processed bars, shakes or chocolates here.

4) We ate out every meal. Almost daily we were told we ordered too much food. We disagreed - the waiter was correct we did order too much food but we still almost ate it all. Portion sizes are a huge factor when it comes to eating healthy we tend to ‘supersize’ without even noticing this only puts pressure on our digestive system and waist line.

5) Water is cheap, if not free. You know when you’re thirsty and you go to the servo and they sting you 4 bucks for a small pump water bottle? You are better off getting the $1 coffee with your fuel. China was the opposite – we were paying $5-7 for coffee and $1 for water. Not only was the water cheap but in public places they also had filtered water with disposable cups for free.

6) On the topic of water – majority carried around drink bottles – our tour guide was sipping all day we asked her what it was she was drinking… it was warm water. In China the thought of cold water makes them cringe, they’ll only drink warm/hot water. This is GREAT for your body and skin – especially your digestive system.

7) Instead of having a fast food store on every corner of every street there was fresh fruit such as watermelon already cut up for convenience for $1-2.

8) Gyms are not a common place like in Australia, which gives you even more reason to believe they have their diets right!

9) Main meals are not fancy or complicated, they were simply noodles or rice serves with greens (kale or bok coy usually) and protein. I say all the time STOP COMPLIATING YOUR MEALS.

10) They eat with chopsticks – although this is a theory I’ve made up – I believe eating with chopsticks will help your weight. Why? Well eating with chopsticks compared to a knife and fork means you cannot shovel the food in a quick, as you’d like. By eating slower it gives our food a chance to hit the stomach, which then signals the brain to tell us we are full. We have all done it before when we eat really fast and it is only 15-20 minutes later when we realise we have eaten too much and we are super full. Eating with chopsticks can help with the problem!

Have we become too westernised with big brands, big food & big stomachs for our own good? Lets bring it back to basics and take a leaf out of the Asian lifestyle to help feel and look healthy.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Perception vs. Reality

Post comp I haven’t really stuck to a strict diet and meal plan - I’ve still been eating pretty basic with maybe a cheeky donut here and there. 

Although this diet is FANTASTIC for my soul turns out its now that great for my waistline!

I’m feeling soft, frumpy and just blah (yes this is a usual way I describe a lot of things!)

I feel this way because I can’t help but to compare my body to what it was comp prep.

It is stupid.

I’m far from fat but can’t help to squish my lower tummy and think ‘where’d this come from?’

Anyway that’s how I’ve been feeling and I know many of you go through the same thing daily…..

I ran into a past client of mine whom had a beautiful baby, we got talking and mid conversation she asks ‘have you lost weight?’

(Yes she is now my new best friend and I want to bring her everywhere with me)

It resinated with me not only because it made me feel awesome but made me stop and realised I’m being ridiculously hard on my poor body and that my perception of myself is completely different to other peoples reality.

As females we worry about minor imperfections – it’s like we stand in front of a mirror and pick out the ‘worst’ parts about us and then threat about it 20 times a day.

Your ‘worst’ part that you are constantly worried about is more then likely someone’s idea of perfect and by you constantly putting your self down is only going to make you believe the ridiculous things you are saying.

So why waste your time and energy on something that is only going to leave you feeling self-conscious, unhappy and sad? Why not focus on the good parts?

‘I don’t have any good parts’ you are saying.

SHUT UP!!  That’s a big crock of poppy cock. 

First thing in the morning acknowledge 3 amazing parts of your body you admire, are thankful for or simply just like.

It’s kind of weird but so is telling yourself how disgusting you look everyday.

I’ll go first:

#1 I’m thankful for my perky boobs they are not too big or not to small and I get to enjoy going braless often.

#2 I admire my core strength, which is visible through my upper abs and obliques.

#3 I like my butt because it has shape and keeps me comfy when I sit down and it also makes me think I’m a black person when dancing. #twerking

Your turn.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Royale Fitness Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down

We have all seen the thumbs up/thumbs down pages on Facebook where people want the cheapest and best (this doesn’t exist people!!!), where people complain about the most ridiculous petty crap like not getting enough chips in their KFC (HELLO STOP EATING F*CKING KFC) and where trolls love to pick on other trolls.

What’s worse I can’t help but read EVERY SINGLE post. I don’t actually give a flying hoot if someone parked terribly or your egg was over cooked, I swear I even saw a pregnancy test on there asking complete strangers if it was positive or not?!?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!

I had to ‘unlike’ the page. I was wasting a ridiculous amount of time scrolling through rubbish that was never positive, super unproductive and had zero benefit for me.

How much time do you waste flipping from Facebook to Instagram to Snapchat to Tinder to Twitter to YouTube to god knows what then back to Facebook just in case something new pops up!?!

As a society we spend a shit load of time on social media – which is fine it is apart of our generation…


imagine how much more productive we would be if A- we didn’t have it or B- we used it effectively.


Okay lets say you wake up and first thing you do is check your phone (yes I’m talking to you!!!) You scroll for a good 30 minutes before actually getting out of bed – taking in nothing from your scrolling even though you re-freshed it like 5 times.

In that 30 minutes you could have done any of the following:

-Gone for a fasted walk to burn some serious fat (my favvv thing!)
-Had an extra 30 minutes doing hair/make up
-Had an extra 30 minutes sleep
-Had an extra long shower (summers coming and leg shaving is upon us!)
-Had a nutritious breakfast (which girls tell me they never have ‘time’ for)
-Prepped a nutritious lunch (which again I get told is not an option due to time)
-Got a 30 minute workout/yoga sessions in
-Bond with your pets or children (who actually love you unlike John Smith who be liking all your pics!)

Getting in that extra 30 minutes a day would make a huge difference and hell that is only in the morning – we all know how much we dabble online after work.

Your goal for the rest of this week is to be more aware of how much time you are wasting.

Then once you are aware of this make a change.

It may be a simple as setting ground rules like no social media before lunch/after dinner (we apply the after dinner rule in the Prince house hold) or even completely deleting the apps (I did this with Snapchat)

You’ll be surprised how much of your life you are wasting online when the people that really matter are right next to you.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dear Douchebags...

I’ve been going out since slightly under the age of 18 – I use to love it - dancing all night, partying with my friends and then getting some sort of greesy ass food on the way home. Back then I use to even be able to back it up and go out two nights in a row…. I have no idea how?!

As I got older I started going out less but one thing stayed the same.

The douchebags.

You know the guys who actually think they are all that? They will either not f*ck off or will always need to make some sort of comment wether its on your appearance, your attitude (I have little toralance for these people and my attitude may become a tad vulgar) or like the more recent comments on my ring such as ‘why am I allowed out?’ and ‘where is my fiancĂ©?’ to my career which to them seems laughable.

I was out a couple months ago now – there was a group of us and someone asked what I did for work - I was around about 90% of people whom I train and didn’t even think twice before ‘personal trainer’ left my mouth.

This douchebag laughed in my face. He continued on to tell me how he isn’t a PT and would know more about fitness. Told me to get a real job. Then later saw me drinking a vodka soda and called me out saying as a PT I shouldn’t be drinking. THEN noticed my engagement ring and made the above comments.

1) F*ck Off – Who are you?!?

2) Oh my career is laughable? Please go on to tell me how you are an apprentice tradie making $400 a week working for someone else and still living at mummies house.

My old approach would have been to throw the closet object (This has happened in the past) BUT I’m much more cool and calm about these situations now and realised I can write an email about it and use your arrogance as content and you can’t do a thing and hey, it is even apart of my job.

Now who is laughing?

So how does this experience relate back to you?

We all have crazy ass ideas. Your dream to others may sound ridiculous (even laughable) SO?!? Doesn’t mean you back down and let negative comments ruin your passion – it is YOUR dream, not theirs. Their opinion is irrelevant. There will ALWAYS be douchebags walking this earth and I’ve learnt not to take offensive, instead I’ll continue to work my ass off creating super humans – you should do the same – do not take offensive work hard and make your dream a reality.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X