Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Morning Quickie...

We all know stretching is something we should be doing regularly, many of us don’t stretch usually because you either don’t have time or you just don’t know what or how to do it…

Well I’m going to solve both of those problems!


Before I go onto explain how I’m going to help you I’m going to first tell you WHY stretching is just as important as exercising itself….

~ Stretching helps improves flexibility which will make everyday life and movement easier.

~ Improves blood circulation so may help you recover from muscle soreness or DOMS quicker.

~ Improve your posture by lengthen tight muscles, so if you sit hunched over a desk all day this causes our chest muscles to tighten pulling the shoulders forward, if you don’t stretch you will remain ‘hunched’ if you stretch daily this releases those chest muscles and encourages correct posture.

~ It helps calm the mind and allows the body to recover and recharge.

~ Increases your range of motion which will help decrease your risk of injuries.

So in saying that attached underneath is a simple Yoga inspired stretching sequence, it is under 5 minutes short meaning time is NOT an issue/excuse. So if your goal is to become more flexible but you are not sure where to start, START HERE!

Stay Strong & Stretch,

Tel x

P.S this was my first time filming and actually talking to myself, it was slightly weird and I hate hearing my own voice but if it helps it is all worth it! ENJOY!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Scales Shmales!

Who at one point of their lives (maybe still) has been slightly addicted to the number on the scales?

If you answered no I’m calling bluff!!!

It is like they just stare at you saying ‘stand on me’ when they really need to come with a warning label saying ‘can cause serious emotional trauma, stand on at own risk!’ 

In the health industry about 90% of clients I see in their initial consultation have 3 common goals:
1-    Tone (usually legs and tummy)
2-    Become more flexible
3-    Loose weight – followed by how much they currently weigh and what they ‘should’ or would like to weigh.

The top two I’ll get back to another day. The third one listed is by far my most common, and hey I don’t blame you I’m always down for looking and feeling shmokingggg but I don’t think looking and feeling shmokingggg is a reflection on what the scale says!!.

..Well anymore anyways…

Let me give you an example you might be able to relate to…. I remember when I first started training seriously at Royale Fitness ( at this point in time I only trained for a killer rig and for the scales to drop. I worked my ass off, ate immaculately and listened to everything my coach said. I was feeling AMAZING I liked what I saw in the mirror (which was very rare), I was doing sick gymnastics skills and beating my on pb’s often, man I was just feeling grouse….


I confidently stood on the scales and they hadn’t budged.

Like at all. Seriously I worked this (insert explicit word) hard and I haven’t dropped a single kg?!?! So safe to say that grouse feeling I had 5 minutes prior to standing on the scales had totally 360-ed, I felt gross, extremely emotional and not good enough. I believe my first words as I stood off to my now fiancé were ‘I’m not eating dinner.’  (Ridiculous right?)

This escalated quite quickly to an over obsessive relationship I would weigh myself in the morning, in the evening, before training, after training. I was addicted. At the time I didn’t see it, I just saw a number in my head that I HAD to be. How can a tiny little device that brings up a number have so much control over our emotions?


It got to a point were my partner had to get rid of them completely because it was not only affecting the way I internally felt it was affecting the way I externally acted. Getting rid of the scales was one of the BEST things I (well Matt) could of done! My focus and goals over time and with a little encouragement and support came back to training, killing my pbs, looking banging, learning constantly and most importantly feeling happy!! I now could not tell you what I weigh nor do I care because I’m strong, lean, healthy and doing crazy cool tricks all the time!

I know I’m not alone with this, which is why I ALWAYS make it really clear to my girls to take progression photos (before and after photos) to track their body’s progress and to have other goals that aren’t body image related. (Run 1km non stop, do 2 pull ups, reach 30 second plank ect…) We all already spend too much time being critical about our bodies so chuck your scales out, re-access your goals and live happier!


Stay Strong & Stretch,

Tel x

Monday, January 19, 2015

I have had enough!!!!

Although I have just started blogging I have been writing for a little while, here is a post from October 2014….

As I write this piece by piece of smarties chocolate is being consumed.

Hang on what?!?

Nope you read right! I’m currently eating chocolate and lets be honest now the block is opened it’s more then likely going to be finished by the time I finish writing.

Why am I telling you this? Because I’m sick of being a choco-holic! I’m sick of having a ‘good’ week where I’ll consume none and a ‘bad’ week were it’ll get eaten everyday only to feel terrible afterwards. YES I believe consumption of ‘naughty ‘ foods in moderation is perfectly okay but my problem with chocolate is there is no such thing!!! So I’ve decided it’s all or nothing.

So this will be the last piece of chocolate that I let slide past my lips until Christmas and it’s just that black and white!

Do you constantly find yourself in a battle between binges, weak moments and cravings and wish black and white were as simple as people make it sound? Here are some tips to help you establish the black and white rule!

-Tell everyone! The more people you tell the more you’ll be held accountable in the lunchroom or at the dinner table.

-Set a goal date 1 month, 2 years, forever… Once you reach this goal re-assess.

-Have a friend – It’s way easier to have support, someone you can call when you really just want one bite! I’m sure your bffl/sister/mum have a habit they would like to cut (food, health, lifestyle anything!)

-Avoid these isles in the supermarkets.

-Learn to say no and feel proud about it – I know how much slack you can cop when you are out at a social event and say ‘I cant eat that’ but trust me the sense of self achievement is worth it and if you are that person that gives people slack STOP making others feel bad!!!

-Don’t cut every single ‘bad’ thing at once.

-Takes 21 days to form/break a habit so don’t give in after a week!

-Make it a competition – if your anything like me (super competitive) I find this useful, make a bet ‘first one to eat/do this….’ And make up your own rules. (I have a bet with Matt & if I fail I have to do all the washing and ironing for 1 year – that’s a big call for me as I hate doing either!)

Lastly have faith in yourself!


It is now Jan 2015 & drummmmm rolllllll………. 

I DID IT! I didn't eat chocolate until Christmas day and even then didn't really enjoy it. The results were amazing my stomach leaned out, I got rid of that last little pot area around my lower abs. It was motivating as hell!!! If I - a former chocolate addict - can do it SO CAN YOU!

Stay Strong & Stretch,

Tel X

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Simple Life Equation

A friend of mine was explaining to me this equation she uses when she buys new clothes, it is 

"value divided by amount of wears"….

For example if you buy a cheap $40 pair of cotton on jeans that you wear once then wash and they shrink and you never wear it again its value is $40 per wear (40/1=40).

If you buy a pair of Bardot jeans at $200 and wear them over 50 times that’s $4 per wear (200/50=4).

Although the Bardot jeans are more expensive up front you get more wear out of them and they work out to be cheaper over all as you don’t need to go out and buy a new pair.

This simple mathematical equation got me thinking; it cannot only be put towards clothes it can be put to ANYTHING including your health.

Lets take this example:

You pay casually to use a gym for $5, you use the gym twice a week, walk on the treadmill for one hour and maybe take a couple selfies. (Guilty!)

You pay a membership at an exclusive training facility at $45 per week where you’re not only entering specifically programed training sessions 4 times a week to reach your goals you are acquiring knowledge, skills, motivation and support from the trainers and people around you.

So although the casually gym session is cheaper is it getting you any closer to where you want to be or are you just wasting money?

Clothes, health, holidays, food, and beauty… you name it this simple principle bloody works!  

Apply the VAULE DIVIDED BY USE principle into your life and see where you are investing and where you are wasting time &/or money!

Tel X

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Party Planner or Personal Trainer? -December post

Today I have decided to start blogging well by today I mean it is 2am and I've decided to start blogging.
I have an overload of information I want to share with the world and I feel this is the best way!
The only question I ask myself is why the bloody hell am I choosing to do it now?
Right now is possibly the worst time,


We take over our new house today, which needs renovation work.
Yesterday I released to the public my new business venture of 'Royale Retreats'.
Our work Christmas party is this weekend.
Christmas it self is only a couple of weeks out.
I'm also planning and organising my engagement party which is in January.
Plus working my normal hours at Royale Fitness.
I feel like my head is about to explode but I think I love the challenge!!
As women why do we always seems to try and do as much as possible, keeping ourselves completely busy?
Is it by choice or instinct?

Some deal with this really well, while others fall into a complete messy ball of stress (me the last two days!)
But it is currently 2am and I've been awake since 12:30am (I know some of you can relate to this insomniac state) I'm motivated as hell - maybe slightly delusional and felt the need to write/plan/organise my day as a blogger, personal trainer, retreat co-ordinator, fiancé, home reno expert, party planner and apparently cleaner!!

So kudos to us women out there that don't get enough recognition to the multiple hats we wear day in and out, you guys rock!!

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel x

Friday, January 2, 2015

How to Meditate

When you think of meditation you probably think of a bunch of hippies gathered in a circle humming and chanting, right?
Well they might not be as crazy as they look…
By adding mediation into your daily routine you will find yourself more relaxed, focused and motivated.
So how do you do it?

Step 1: Find a position you are comfortable in sitting, laying, standing upside down whatever your comfy possie is!

Step 2: Close your eyes and deeply inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Step 3: Once your breathing is nice and heavy I want you to start imaging your inhale as a colour, this colour represents happiness and relaxation. As you inhale imagine this colour filling up your lungs, right through the body all the way down to your toes and fingers. Filling the body with positive vibes. With every inhale hold your breath for a count of 3 just to ensure the colour has reached all areas of the body.

Step 4: Imagine your exhale as a colour, this colour represents all the dark, anger, sadness and stress coming out of your body maybe grey or black.  With every exhale out the mouth this colour will leave the body taking all your negativity away with it.

Step 5: Continue deep breathing for as long as you’d like, 5 maybe 10 minutes. Slowly open your eyes and let your body adjust back to normal breathing.

And there you have it, you just meditated! All you need is 5 minutes so next time your stress levels are rising to boiling point remember these 5 simple steps to live a better life!

Stay Strong & Stretch
Tel x

Thursday, January 1, 2015

You're not alone..

You’re not alone.

So, so SO many girls out there think they are alone in their habits and behaviour, I’m here to tell you, you are NOT!
Lets see if you can relate….

|You’ve eaten so much over the weekend that by Sunday night you promise to never feel the way you do again and make a promise that Monday is the start of something new.

|Monday comes you eat junk then think meh I’ve already eaten bad now might as well go all out and start NEXT Monday.

|You ‘deserve’ it because you did something great or accomplished a goal (you are not a dog do not reward your self with treats)

|Scroll endlessly through babes on instagram. Looking at these photos will not get you any closer to looking like these people!

|Social eater – you want people to think you are eating so will smash an entre, main and dessert and pretend it didn’t even hit the sides.

|You eat healthy all day then get home and eat the whole fridge.

|You still live at home and feel bad not eating mums fettuccine   carbonara with 3 pieces of garlic bread and extra parmesan.

|It’s ‘raw’ and ‘organic’ chocolate so it okay - NO!!

|Over thinking and trying to cook up all these fancy ‘clean’ superfoods.

|Eats good for 1 week doesn’t see initial results then gives up!

|Seeing people on these strict calorie deficient diets (usually over weight people) and thinking that’s what I need to do to see results because a shake fixes everything right and you’ll loose 10kgs in 1 week right? (Perfect timing before your holiday that crept up!)

|Taking all these unrealistic un-maintainable supplements such as fat shredders to diuretics and laxatives – these things cause term damage! (More on this another day)

|About to eat some junk and refusing to look at the nutritional information.

|Take things to the extreme by counting every carb and calorie and becoming to consumed in numbers that eating becomes more of a maths problem. (Unless you’re an elite body figure competitor STOP!)

|Cals in vs cal out right? So I’ll not eat then when I do I’ll eat rubbish and still be under in my calories by the end of the day. – Technically speaking yes this is true but the nutritional value of a bag of chips compared to a salad is incomparable, by doing this you are loosing important nutrients your body needs, this will start to show through your skin and digestive system pretty quickly!

|Go out for social drinks (which is fine) end up binge drinking and eating maccas, kfc and a kebab on the way home then the next morning consuming chips and gravy and promising never to drink again… until the next social event.

|OD on the SAME food –you are that routine it is crazy right!

|Last but not least weight yourself- like all the time. Some slight addiction we have like the number defines us and how we look? Might as well get hit by a car, leaves us with the same feeling.

I literally wrote all these points without having to stop and think once! Why? Because I’m also a normal girl and have done all of the above from one point to another – it has taken me over 20 years to learn to love my body in the process putting it through some crazy hectic sh*t and for what? If you can relate to any or all of my points above stay tuned because I’m going to teach you a bit of self lovin’ and a healthier way to train, eat & live.

Tel X