Monday, January 18, 2016

Pregnancy & training – my views & opinions whether you like them or not!

On the way home from my 9:15am sessions yesterday (which in fact is ALL Mums – who for the record are KICKARSE) I heard a ‘news’ update-

Michelle Bridges under scrutiny and deemed ‘irresponsible’ for her post birth training schedule consisting of a combination of walking and running only 3 weeks after birth.


What makes me so frustrated about this is the actual post they are referring to Michelle clearly states – ‘I am a professional trainer and have been for 30 years’ it isn’t like she is a non-active female giving running and walking a crack for the first time. She’s Michelle Bridges for god sake.

Secondly what REALLY got me is that it is perfectly okay for Mum’s both during and post pregnancy to lounge around blow out and eat & drink every thing in sight but when they have an interest in health & fitness heaven forbid they too are deemed irresponsible and it becomes ‘news’, piss off.

Think about it, when there isn’t a little human in you & you decide to live off junk and become sloth like you know your self this isn’t great for the body and you end up feeling like shit, let alone having a little human in you and doing that.

okay to move & make healthy eating options - insert mums reading this thinking she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she’s never been pregnant – if I’m offending you it’s okay it is only because deep down you know what I’m writing is true and yes continue on to tell me ‘wait until you're pregnant blah blah’

Thirdly how the hell is this news?
I don’t watch the news. It is filled with rubbish and this is a clear example of what’s wrong with the world. It’s all backwards and when I step out of my happy bubble and re-connect with what’s going on by watching ‘the news’ it only leaves me frustrated or depressed.

I don’t know if it’s the water or the toilet seats at Royale Fitness but I have almost 10 mum’s to be training - as well as a handful of new mummies who trained right up until birth and are now back at training again. Yes, every case is different - yes, I need to alter movements as their due date approaches BUT yes, they are all lifting weight, doing cardio and certain core work in an extremely SAFE environment.

IT is their choice to remain fit and healthy during pregnancy as well as after their pregnancy DO NOT question them about it or deem them irresponsible – become inspired by these amazing women I know I sure as hell am. 

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Monday, January 11, 2016

Why drinking wine won't send you to hell.

You know when you come across those beautiful ‘fitspos’ via social media looking effortlessly fit, tanned, motivated and just down right perfect.

Well doesn’t that just make you feel like a sack of shit!! 

Here I am sitting in my undies and latest LJ crop (you know that one that was purchased to help motivate me) watching Seinfield and eating Zooper Doopers, scrolling through social media - almost every second post is some hot as f*ck girl frolicking around in the summer with a killah rig, eating acai smoothies & fresh juices – no flab, cellulite or sweat insight and here I am sweating my balls off like a hot mess with hair so greasy you could probably cook chips in it.

Phrases that often go through my mind consist usually of


‘Why am I more interested in the rig of a female rather then a male?’

'Who are these people?!'

'Why am I not one of these people?!'

‘I should really go train’

‘Why am I even following you?’

‘Fuck off”

You do realise this is their ‘highlight reel’ yeah?  Something you’ll tend to forgot is the amount of effort that went into that photo – something I need to remind myself often is that it’s okay not to be ‘on point’ 24/7 like these girls may seem to be and that eating icy poles in my underwear occasionally is totally okay!

I see so many girls following the above ‘fitspos’ putting pressure on themselves to achieve a certain body type and trying to achieve the ‘perfect’ lifestyle and trends.

It’s crazy.

There needs to be more honesty in the fitness industry that makes females aware that it is extremely healthy to have a passion for fitness & a few wines with your girlfriends on the weekend.

That six-packs are hard as hell to achieve but even harder to maintain.

That yes, you should have fitness related goals that you continually work hard towards and there will be days when you just can not be f*cked – everyone hands down experiences this – myself included. It doesn’t mean you ‘failed’.

That girl you follow on social media will NEVER always be ‘on point’ but you will always only see the best bits.

So I’m going to leave you with this….

If you can see the best bits of her – a stranger, someone you don’t know.

Why is it so hard to see the best bits of you?

Perhaps your focus needs to be slightly altered.

Stay Stronger & Stretch,
Tel x

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016?! But I'm not ready! HELP!

Unless you're a teacher, stay at home Mum or some lucky devil chances are your holidays are wrapping up and you're getting ready to start back at work for the New Year.

Crazy I know - 2015 boom done & dusted just like that! You were meant to be way more prepped and 'ready' then what you are.

It can be a daunting thing - the new year often represents a time where we need to be highly motivated and ready to tackle the next 365 days smashing goals and breaking barriers but if the new year has come around to quickly for you chances are you aren't ready to face reality yet - you just need one more week off because you were supposed to be way more organised then you are right now.

It's okay breathe.

I feel you! As someone who relies on motivation for success this new year came as a shock to me too.
So how will we get through the next 365 days making them the best days possible? It'll go a little something like this…

-Buy a journal or note pad take time to sit down and jot down what it is that's going through head - this a crazy time of year so this will help you see things a little more clearly setting out what you want from the year. Simply if you don't want something enough you won't do it.

-Seek guidance/support/mentor - achieving goals solo can be super challenging wether it's outsourcing help from someone who has done what you want to do, getting support for your loved ones (thats a big one) or investing in a mentor who will help plan and hold you accountable - this is something people often look over or forget because they don't realise the amount of useful resources out there - USE THEM.

-Make a plan and chart it until it becomes routine - it can be hard to start a new routine when you re stuck in old habits - a great way to overcome this is write your new habits in a table (like the one at the bottom of this blog) you want everything ticked daily & before you know if it you'll be doing it with your eyes closed.

-Cover all areas of life (core 4) - Goals aren't always about the body. Remember this. Are you focusing too much on your body and letting it ruin your social relationships with friends or partners? Or maybe you're too focused on your work staying back late daily - this causes you to be unorganised and your body will suffer, as will relationships & mental health. If you are to learn any thing this year it is to learn balance. Work hard, be organised and healthy, love and be loved, don't feel guilty for having 'you' time & eat that occasional piece of chocolate. Finding balance is something so many of us struggle with step back and see how your work life, relationships, mental health & body are currently balancing out.

-Focus – it’s easy to fall off the wagon and get back into old habits - one freddo turns into one block very quickly when you're not focused (I know this form personal experience). You should re-visit your goal on a monthly maybe even weekly basis to re-assess, track your progress and ensure you are still on the track for victory! If your goal is a big one that may take 6 months know it won't happen over night and break it down into monthly targets then you'll know exactly where you should be at the end of each month.

& most importantly Start - DO NOT be one of those people who always SAY they are going to do something and never follow through. The hardest part at times is just starting. Get through that first step and break the barrier basically don't be a pussy wishing they had of started months ago. Start NOW.

So what are you waiting for? GO GET IT!

Stay Strong & Stretch,

Tel X