Tuesday, May 19, 2015

6 Weeks out - Training and Diet.

Hit an emotional rock as talked about in my last blog post and instead of giving up I’ve decided to act smarter, work hard and dominate this fitness comp to the best of my ability.

When I started I wanted to do this as ‘healthy’ as possible meaning not obsessing over macros and counting calories – I use to count calories and I’d look at a banana and see 100 calories and 25ish carbs. I hated looking at food as if it were numbers, hence my reasoning not to go back down that track.

I’ve tried the ‘healthy’ approach for 6 weeks and although I’m leaner and stronger I felt I needed to up my game.

I started a keto diet – which was virtually no carbs for roughly 2 weeks – with the purpose to put my body in a fat burning zone - my body didn’t agree with this – my emotions were all over the shop extreme highs and even worse lows due to blood sugar levels, with the amount I was training I needed carbs to fuel my muscles by not having them I found I lost a lot of definition in those 2 weeks.

This is where I decided to make changes to both my diet and training.

My current diet works with Carb Cycling.

What this means is I have high carb days, low carb days and no carb days – with my heavy training session co-ordinating with high carbs and rest days co-ordinating with no carbs.

In order to do this properly I have had to go back on my word and count macros and calories but I feel good about it and completely in control as I’ve simply written out a food plan and just follow that as I go.

High Carb Days:

I get to consume 1700 calories - 246g of carbs – 127g of proteins.

Eating every 3 hours at 6 meals per day. Here is an example of my high carb day:

Meal 1:
1 egg
½ cup oats
½ cup blueberries
teaspoon natural peanut butter
1 medium banana

Meal 2:
1 egg
1 whole grain muffin
spread with avo

Meal 3:
100g Kangaroo
125g Brown rice

Meal 4:
100g Chicken
1 cup Broc
100g Sweet spud

Meal 5:
Scoop of protein
1 cup blueberries
1 medium banana

Meal 6:
100g Chicken
1 cup Green Beans
100g Cauliflower

Cals- 1670
Carbs- 220.2
Protein- 137.4

As you can see I get to eat heaps! I’ve fallen in love with high carb day hahah – even though I’m getting in a lot of food I’m still not bloated and my energy levels after today have already improved dramatically I trained like a champ! One thing it made me realise how much I was over eating in my portions when it comes to protein – I assumed a breast was a serving – 100g is not even nearly a breast!!! I’m having x2 high carb days a week when I train heavy.

Low Carb Day 1300 calories – 97g carbs – 146g proteins.

Still eating 6 meals a day at roughly 3 hour intervals - each meal ranges calories with the highest at 300 calories and the lowest at 130 calories and protein per meal is again roughly 27-28g. Carbs are lower today but I can still eat 97g throughout the day, which is plenty to keep my body going after an isolated training session – I’ll be playing with low carb days and will be doing them 3-4 times per week.

No Carb Day 1000-1300 calories – 48g carbs – 146g proteins.  

Again still eating 6 meals a day at roughly 3 hour intervals – the carbs are quite low today but I only do no carb days on rest day where I’m either doing yoga or walking or sprints so my body can deal with it – with no carb day I also get to up my fats a little bit so avo is my friend today!

This is my first week of this set up but I’m super confident with how it will work – my body responds well with carbs and by depriving it from them just wasn’t working! I’m finding this whole process super interesting and can’t wait to share what I learn with the awesome athletes at Royale Fitness.

Watch this space,

Stay strong & Stretch,
Tel X

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