Monday, August 17, 2015

FOOD PREP: Failing to preparing; preparing to fail.

 I’m not going to pussy foot around the topic.

Majority of girls following my blog want to become stronger, leaner and overall badass.

I don’t blame you I’m on the same mission.

I train hard. I eat well. Results show.  

I feel powerful, confident and that badass feeling emerges.

Problem is I’ll (we) fall a day behind when it comes to meals, training and goals – the consistency is thrown out the window and I(we) find my/our self on the couch with a block chocolate and eating out almost daily because I/we haven’t PREPARED.

Being prepared is one of the EASIEST ways to stay healthy and achieve your fitness/body-based goals.

What should you do to start?

PREPARE a plan.

Every Friday I’ll write out a plan of what I’m going to eat that up coming week. 

Saturday I’ll do my grocery shopping in accordance to my plan.

Sunday I’ll PREPARE 3 days worth of food (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Thursday I’ll PREPARE another 3 days worth of food (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)

Sunday is ‘prep-free’ day. I eat what I want guilt free, knowing Monday comes and my health meals will already be waiting for me!

Prepping on Sunday literally takes me an hour – this includes Matt’s AND mine lunches for 3 days – plus our late afternoon light meals before work. Our dinners are cooked fresh each night, as are our breakfasts.

Here is what I cooked this Sunday:

-x6 chicken breast – x3 for Matt’s lunches. X1.5 for my lunches X1.5 for my afternoon meal.
-x2 cups of 40 second brown rice for myself
-x2 sachets of 90 second basmati rice for Matt
-A heap of broccoli
-A quiche for Matt’s afternoon meal.

Now for the next 3 days we do not have to think about what we are eating we just grab, heat & eat!

Can you see how this PREP work leads to results?

You are not constantly torn between ‘I know I should cook some chicken BUTTTTT a burger would be quicker’ or left at work with no lunch so you go and buy a coke and baguette.

Give it a go – it will not only make your life easier but also keep you on track to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Stay tuned next blog is my current diet!

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Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

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