Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cardio Queen VS. Strength Sista

Heaps of girls stay clear from any form of strength training.

They do this usually because of three reasons;

1) They don’t know how to incorporate strength into their programs.

2) They feel embarrassed and intimidated to go into the weight section of their gyms because they are overloaded with creepy meatheads.

3) They are scared of getting ‘bulky’.

Luckily specific small group training at Royale Fitness such as HEARTCORE and PowerHIIT instantly prevents 1 & 2 so I don’t need to go into depth with that but 3 still arises within Royale Fitness and runs through the back of many girls minds when it comes to training.

I think these professional bodybuilders have put it in our mind that if we touch anything heavy we will puff out and look like a cloud – this will NOT happen!

Let’s look at it simply:

Cardio only = burns fat 

This is good.

But if endless amount of cardio is all you’re doing you are not sculpting any lean muscles underneath it, once all the fat has been burnt you then begin to burn muscle – think marathon runners.

Strength training only= creates lean muscle

This is also good.

Muscle burns more calories, which means you’ll be able to eat more (yay!) but you will still have that top layer of fat on those annoying areas (legs/stomach)

Cardio + Strength training = burns fat and creates lean muscle.

A even combination of both is what will give you that lean, toned look you have been after – cardio will kill your fat, increase your fitness and strength training will create long lean muscles, increase your strength and you’ll finish the session feeling strong as sh*t!!

Both strength and cardio need to be continuously progressed your weights must get heavier and your cardio must get faster – there is no point staying at the same pace/weight for endless amounts of weeks! 

If you are not an awesome athlete at Royale Fitness already there is limited availabilities, in which our trainers specific programming incorporate all the above for that sexy defined bodayyyy just click the link below:

Now get squatting!

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel x

P.S Don't forget to sign up to my email list for exclusive FREE VIP emails and a cellulite reduction program. Click below:

Is your Personal Trainer a no brainer?

On the way to work Tuesday morning an ad on the radio caught my attention “You wanna be a personal trainer, it’s a no brainer”


‘It’s a no brainer?’ I kept saying aloud they have got to be kidding!!

These days every second person is a personal trainer – there are SO many phonies out there that listen to the radio and hear ‘successful, own hours, own boss, EASY’ they complete their 6 week online course and they are scarily qualified.

Although I believe I have the best ‘job’ in the world it is NOT easy, most people couldn’t handle the early mornings and late night hours, your dealing with different people all the time with different goals, different fitness levels and different body types (there is no one fits all structure) and to be successful you’ve got to work bloody hard!!!

You can’t just throw a whole heap of exercises together and call it a program.

Here are some tips to help you pick a top-notch trainer:

-Does your PT look like a trainer? If your trainer is overweight with no tone or muscle definition – they clearly can’t look after him or herself so how are they going to look after you?

-Does your PT help you outside of the gym? If your trainer never contacts you outside of the gym or never asks how your eating is going or even just how you are going in general then they do not give a flying f*ck – you want a trainer that can help you, one you can come to training and say ‘I’m in a rut’ and they will give you advice and ideas to help you out of this rut.

-Does your PT get excited at your victories? You just did your first pull up or first double under and your PT is more excited than you good! It is bloody exciting I love this sh*t! But if your PT doesn’t even notice you’ve just ran that 500m non stop and continues to brag about their half marathon they ran on the weekend we know their victories are more important then yours.

-Does your PT offer extra advice/information? You pull up sore after training or you are unsure what to eat after training or you might have a weak area in your training – does your PT shrug it off or do they hand out/send links/research information to help you? Because they should be!

-Does your PT have specific training? Are you aware of why your PT is making you unless amounts of burpees? Is there a reason? There should be!! No training program should be a heap of exercises thrown together for sh*tz and gigz… ask why if they can’t answer it is time to move on.

Do you see your PT as a mentor? Your PT is there for the main reasons of helping you achieve YOUR goals and this doesn’t even have to be fitness based. (If you have not discussed goals with your PT or if they have never mentioned goals this is not acceptable.) Your PT should be the person that is guiding you to path of greatness – as soon as something great happens they will be one of the first people you will want to tell and when you do tell them they will be proud as hell. They care…. Sometimes too much!

Does you trainer track your progress? You’ve been training for months, if not years how does your trainer track your improvements? This is all goal dependant – do they suggest you take before and after shots? Do they make you write food diaries? Do they record your times? Do they record the weights you lift? Do they remember and make comments such as ‘last time you could only jump 30cms, now you can jump 90cms’ The trainer should be tracking and recording progress. Otherwise how else will you know how you’ve improved?

Use this advice and apply it to your trainer and see where they stack up!

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday Follow up – Commitment issues;

A lot of you jumped at the idea of 12 weeks to change your body completely; admitting you know what to do but just lacking motivation… CONSTATNLY!

Some got slightly confused thinking I was offering a personal 12-week program.


Like I said you know that salads, lean meats and green leafy veggies are ‘good’ and cake, pizza, chocolate and take out are ‘bad’.

So it is up to you to turn this around.

But what’s going to stop you this particular time from reaching for the ‘bad’?

You need a reason – you can’t just say ‘I want to loose weight and tone up’. That’s what you said the other 15 times right?

Your reason needs to be strong enough to hit a nerve and make you realise ‘crap if I don’t make this simple changes now my health is at risk’

‘If I don’t make these changes now I’ll be the fat mum’

‘If I don’t make these changes now I’ll have to go on medication

‘If I don’t make these changes now my kids will learn my unhealthy habits’

‘If I don’t make these changes now I’ll have no confidence AGAIN come summer’

Your reasons and goals for the week ahead should be clear and simple and if it is fat loss that you are after:

-Add more ‘good’ eliminate more ‘bad’.

-Drink minimum 2L of water per day and eliminate soft drinks.

-Make all training sessions –NO EXCUSES. (or start training/walking/running just START!)

-Say no to dessert and ‘bad’ food in general just because they are there doesn’t mean you reach for them!

Just by simply adding these above tips you’ll notice massive changes in your body, energy levels and even skin!

Stay tuned for continual tips, motivation and recipes.

And I want to leave you with this:

Your body is in the exact condition because of the choices you have made.

If you are not happy or confident YOU can change this!

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel x

Monday, March 16, 2015

Commitment Issues;

What if I were to tell you that if you trained with me or any of the other kick-arse crew at Royale Fitness 3 times a week, improved your eating and added in a couple extra ‘secret’ tips that in just 12 weeks your body would look completely different?

You’d jump at the idea because written out so simply it sounds fool proof.

----Which in theory it is----

I am ALWAYS looking at ways to better my programming to help my girls achieve great things and the ones that remain focused and use their 3, 1 hour training sessions productively see huge results – they become faster, stronger, controlled and more flexible.

This side of things for me is easy I remain in control of what they do when they step into the gym – I know my programs are effective and are creating machines!

The hard part – although the girls are absolutely smashing pb’s many of them still don’t have their eating right.  And like most girls if your goal is to ‘tone up’ and ‘loose weight from low tummy, hips and legs’ training can only do so much - you need to combine your domination of training with balanced eating there is NO magic quick fix there is heaps of green leafy veggies, sweat and usually some tears.

We ALL know what is ‘good’ and what is ‘bad’ when it comes to food, so why don’t we bloody stick to it???

I say ‘we’ because again I’m human and I’m also guilty of reaching for the ‘bad’ because it tastes oh so good! 

We all said ‘I’m going to change’ - ‘I’ll start Monday’ - ‘This time I’m serious’ with the full knowledge that we weren’t going to continue for more then 1 week but for some reason we are okay with this?

We have serious commitment issues; SHORT TERM pain of eating well and training hard is too much to cope with rather then thinking on the LONG TERM pleasure of having a friggen banging body full of energy and life!

What if instead of starting over and over and over again we just commit and invest in ourselves intensely for a measly 12 weeks?

Well for starters you’ll not only have the energy levels of 2 year old who has had too much red cordial, you’ll receive ‘Have you lost weight?’ ‘Your looking awesome’ – people around you will notice –you will notice – you’ve made it!

The sense of achievement will only just be outweighed by the fact your body is looking THAT good you’ll want to walk around naked.

So let's do it.

It starts Friday – this gives us 2 days to write out a food plan and prep everything and also gives you a chance to ask me any questions and to sign up to my email list if you have't already done so by clicking this link:


Questions via Facebook or Email chantel.graham18@hotmail.com

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel x

P.S I have 2 HEARTCORE positions if you want to be apart of something seriously serious – just click and fill out this form:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hotdogs or Apples?

I stress to people that I to am HUMAN I LOVE eating pizza on the couch on a Friday night, I love ice cream, chocolate and lollies and I love going out socially to eat and drink with my friends.

In saying this I also understand it is important to set a good example for people around me to help them achieve a healthier life style.

I get this but do you?

What am I getting at here?

Do you understand your habits are rubbing off on the people around you? And if you change one small thing it will influence other to start taking action? Do you understand the power may be in your hands? Do you understand you can help people?

Take these 3 examples:


You have ‘Frollies’ Friday – where everyone brings some sort of sugar-overloaded treat to share through out the day. You eat… usually way too much and feel like crap by the end on the day. I know a lot of work places that do this and have personally seen photos girls have taken of their lunch room to show me the extent of it!


So what can you do?

Take in a fruit platter. Now I’m not talking $100 worth of fresh berries. I’m talking strawberries, grapes, oranges, and watermelon. It is basic, easy and I guarantee you it will be gone by lunch! It then puts the idea in other people’s head and BANG you’ve helped others.


Now I’m not a mum and understand children can be fussy and ‘good’ foods can sometimes be expensive.

BUT I want to start this example with what I heard a mum tell her child today whilst doing the grocery shopping…

Kid “Mum, can I have an apple”
Mum “No, they are $6 (per kg) and I already got you hotdogs”

I had to turn around to see if this lady was for real.

A) How often out of all the delicious food in the supermarket do kids want apples?!?

B) What kind of example is this setting for the child, that it is okay to have HOTDOGS over APPLES?!?

Children are like sponges – they watch, absorb and learn everything from YOU.

If you improve your eating and set good examples of home cooked meals, fruits as snacks and sugary foods as ‘sometimes’ treats they will know no difference.

If you continue to feed your kid hotdogs and have fruit as a ‘sometimes’ treat what do you think that is telling them?


I cook most days – I don’t know how I managed to become Matts personal chef but anyways- I am in control of what he eat for dinner almost every night. I must admit he is not in the slightest way fussy; what ever I serve he eats.

If you are the sole cooker in the home you do realise whomever you are feeding their health is in your hands when it comes to that meal?

Which means just because they love massive meals consisting of fried chips, steaks and frozen diced veggies that you need to serve them this. Make slight alteration that will benefit them –add in some extra greens and fresh veggies and if they whinge in the slightest remind them that you are in control of their food and to watch their mouth because the rat poison is particularly close to the salt.

(That’s obviously a joke for any sensitive sally’s out there!)

Now I want you to think what small changes you can make to your diets that will impact people around you in a positive light to encourage them that it is okay to have nutritious foods.

Stay Strong and Stretch,
Tel X