I stress to people that I to am HUMAN I LOVE eating pizza on
the couch on a Friday night, I love ice cream, chocolate and lollies and I love
going out socially to eat and drink with my friends.
In saying this I also understand it is important to set a good example for people around me to help them achieve a healthier life style.
I get this but do you?
What am I getting at here?
Do you understand your habits are rubbing off on the people around you? And if you change one small thing it will influence other to start taking action? Do you understand the power may be in your hands? Do you understand you can help people?
Take these 3 examples:
In saying this I also understand it is important to set a good example for people around me to help them achieve a healthier life style.
I get this but do you?
What am I getting at here?
Do you understand your habits are rubbing off on the people around you? And if you change one small thing it will influence other to start taking action? Do you understand the power may be in your hands? Do you understand you can help people?
Take these 3 examples:
You have ‘Frollies’ Friday – where everyone brings some sort
of sugar-overloaded treat to share through out the day. You eat… usually way
too much and feel like crap by the end on the day. I know a lot of work places
that do this and have personally seen photos girls have taken of their lunch
room to show me the extent of it!
So what can you do?
Take in a fruit platter. Now I’m not talking $100 worth of fresh berries. I’m talking strawberries, grapes, oranges, and watermelon. It is basic, easy and I guarantee you it will be gone by lunch! It then puts the idea in other people’s head and BANG you’ve helped others.
Now I’m not a mum and understand children can be fussy and ‘good’ foods can sometimes be expensive.
BUT I want to start this example with what I heard a mum tell her child today whilst doing the grocery shopping…
Kid “Mum, can I have an apple”
Mum “No, they are $6 (per kg) and I already got you hotdogs”
I had to turn around to see if this lady was for real.
So what can you do?
Take in a fruit platter. Now I’m not talking $100 worth of fresh berries. I’m talking strawberries, grapes, oranges, and watermelon. It is basic, easy and I guarantee you it will be gone by lunch! It then puts the idea in other people’s head and BANG you’ve helped others.
Now I’m not a mum and understand children can be fussy and ‘good’ foods can sometimes be expensive.
BUT I want to start this example with what I heard a mum tell her child today whilst doing the grocery shopping…
Kid “Mum, can I have an apple”
Mum “No, they are $6 (per kg) and I already got you hotdogs”
I had to turn around to see if this lady was for real.
A) How often out of all the delicious food in the supermarket do kids want apples?!?
B) What kind of example is this setting for the child, that it is okay to have HOTDOGS over APPLES?!?
Children are like sponges – they watch, absorb and learn everything from YOU.
If you improve your eating and set good examples of home cooked meals, fruits as snacks and sugary foods as ‘sometimes’ treats they will know no difference.
If you continue to feed your kid hotdogs and have fruit as a ‘sometimes’ treat what do you think that is telling them?
I cook most days – I don’t know how I managed to become
Matts personal chef but anyways- I am in control of what he eat for dinner
almost every night. I must admit he is not in the slightest way fussy; what
ever I serve he eats.
If you are the sole cooker in the home you do realise whomever
you are feeding their health is in your hands when it comes to that meal?
Which means just because they love massive meals consisting
of fried chips, steaks and frozen diced veggies that you need to serve them
this. Make slight alteration that will benefit them –add in some extra greens
and fresh veggies and if they whinge in the slightest remind them that you are
in control of their food and to watch their mouth because the rat poison is particularly
close to the salt.
(That’s obviously a joke for any sensitive sally’s out there!)
Now I want you to think what small changes you can make to your diets that will impact people around you in a positive light to encourage them that it is okay to have nutritious foods.
Stay Strong and Stretch,
Tel X
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