Monday, April 27, 2015

And after all her hard work she put ON weight….

Royale Fitness has just concluded its’ first 8 week Ninja Transformation Challenge – this challenge was to not only transform the body but also the mind – to learn balance and to improve in areas such as work, life, business, fitness and relationships. 

Long story short one of my kicka** Ninjas worked her absolute butt off (almost literally) she listened to all my advice – trained hard and ate for her goals. You could see her body physically changing and her training also improved dramatically, she became stronger, faster and leaner. 

To compare progress over the 8-week period we did multiple fitness tests, progression shots (before/after photos) and we also took measurements and recorded weight. 

This is where it gets interesting and it proves what I tell my girls ALL THE BLOODY TIME!!

Firstly in the fitness testing she dominated knocking almost 20 seconds off of her run, going from 4 pull ups to 11 and even became more flexible adding 5cm to her already impressive sit and reach. 

Secondly the progression photos and measurements nearly blew me off my feet – dropping almost 50cm – including 10cm from her waist and another 10cm off her hips – her ‘after’ photo showed a leaner, stronger looking athlete, the tone throughout her whole body is just amazing! 

Lastly her weight – she started at 66kg and wait for it….


At the end of he 8 weeks she weighed in at 67kgs!!!

Wait what? She put on weight? After the whole of the 8 weeks she PUT ON WEIGHT?!?! 

YES! I tell girls all the time to throw out the scales because they are absolute rubbish!

This happens all the time – girls track progression based on a number – it becomes a crazy obsessed to get that number down! STOP!!

Imagine – well you don’t really need to imagine because it happens all the time – if my ninja didn’t do fitness testing, progression shots and measurements we only went by weight. She would have worked her butt of (like she did) then at the end of the 8 weeks only saw that the number on the scale went up by one. She would have been so dishearten and disappointed, as many of us are when that scale doesn’t move. Even though her fitness skyrocketed – she dropped almost 50cms (this is bloody huge!!!) and she even went down a jean size!! 

So please, PLEASE do NOT track your progression by stepping on scales or even better please, PLEASE throw away your scales and set yourself free – set goals that are fitness based not number based – do your measurements – eat well – train hard and forget about the number on the scales dropping and focus more on the physical/mental improvements. This is coming from someone who use to care what the scales said and was never happy now I don’t step on the things because I couldn’t give a flying **** what they say I know my body is changing - I know I’m getting stronger from the weights I lift and I know I’m getting leaner from the photos I take and most importantly I’m happy with myself!

Stay Strong & Stretch, 
Tel X

P.S attached is her Ninjas results  - I’m super proud :) Well-done chick!

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