Wednesday, April 29, 2015

INBA Fitness Comp #3 Training

I’m 6 weeks into my new training schedule and I’m feeling great! I’m starting to notice my strength increasing and my muscles are becoming more defined – which is exactly what I want!

I’m currently in week two of my second phase of training (my program changes every four weeks, with the first phase being completed already) the goals of my strength training are to develop my glutes (#datass), quads (front of thigh) and shoulders as well as improving my posture and back definition.

At first the thought of my legs growing slightly freaked me – I’ve always been one that loves small lean legs with a boxgap for dayzzz and would do all I could to avoid any heavy lower body exercises in fear of massive legs. After my first couple of weeks of introducing heavy lower body squats and lunges my clients were already commenting on how ‘strong’, ‘athletic’ and ‘defined’ my legs were looking – which I of course heard as ‘thick’ and ‘stocky’ – despite these comments I continued on (only complaining a few times to Matt that I’m getting too big), each week lifting heavier and heavier and WOW! They no longer feel heavy and thick I now look down at them and see definition my bum isn’t necessarily bigger but more perky and lifted and although during the lower strength sessions I’m hating it, I’m actually loving the results it is giving me – so much more tone! This is of course 3 days after I’ve worked legs when I can actually walk again – the struggle is real!!!

In the second phase of squats I’m working with percentages, rather then always going heavy I might work on higher reps or form at only 65% of my 1RM (1 rep max) – again this changes every session and every week with the same goal of improving my strength as well as defining the muscle.

My current training schedule looks like this:

Monday- Upper
Tuesday- Lower
Wednesday- Rest day (Yay!)

Thursday-Hardio… I mean Hard Cardio
Friday- Upper
Saturday- Lower
Sunday- Hard Cardio

Whilst still aiming to get a fast walk in almost everyday. –Struggling with this while Matts been away but fasted working has gotta count for something!

Strength training is suiting me, I’m learning to love it (and also just learning in general) it was a huge reality shock going form hardly any training (stuck in a rut) to smashing it almost daily but like with most things once you start to see results it encourages you and motivates you to continue on and smash it – which is exactly what I’m going to do – no half ass efforts here and when I take the stage on June 28th I can say I truly gave it a good crack!!

So girls don’t be afraid of heavy weights or even weights in general – when done correctly (like the strength component of Heartcore) you will become stronger and those lean muscles - like mine - will start to develop.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel x

P.S If you have any questions on any of this process please don't be afraid to ask :) 

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