Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3 Weeks out – The Social Suicide

3 weeks out from my first INBA Fitness Competition – I’m excited and surprisingly not nervous!

Excited not only to go onto stage to compete but for it to all be over – I miss my friends, I miss talking about non fitness/food related topics (I like talking about this but sick of talking about myself!) and I miss going out and not having to worry about what I’m going to eat – it is socially extremely difficult!

Starting this journey was for personal reasons not because it ‘looked’ fun or other people were doing it – it was a personal challenge I NEEDED to do at the time as I stuck in a plateau – entering I had been warned it is very consuming.

Consuming is an understatement.

IT is down right selfish. (Poor Matt has lost 4kgs)

Every thought and action revolves around you, food and training.

You literally eat, train, sleep & repeat.

I can no longer go out and have ‘normal’ conversations because people what to know what you are eating, how you are feeling, what it is I’m actually doing yada yada yada always with the response ‘I love food to much to do anything like that’ – no shit so do I!! Not to mention the never ended jokes about chicken and broccoli (My good friends actually bought me broccoli for my birthday – luckily for them it also had a Lulu voucher in the bag otherwise it wouldn’t of ended as smoothly!)

One question I have been asked countless time is ‘Will you compete again?’ My thoughts and answers to this have changed many times (usually depending on my carb cycle) In short YES – but not until next year. WHY? If it has been hard why the hell would I want to put my body through the same thing again? Purely because being my first time I tried multiple approaches when it came to food and training and only found what suited me 8 weeks out – I’d like to do this approach 15 weeks out and watch my body transform even more (I’m very head strong and am always looking to improve) second time around I will no what to expect and knowingly welcome the ups and downs with opened arms and give it all I’ve got!

3 weeks out the whole process feels automatic to me but drastic to some so I thought I’d answer some common questions:

-Yes I crave food but I’m at the stage now where I know I’m just not allowed to have it so that is that! (I'm currently sitting at mums house as the dogs ate our internet - there is salted carmel ice cream in the freezer and an opened block of chocolate in the fridge - this is control at its finest!)

-Yes I have a list of foods I want to eat post comp. (With pizza and donuts at #1)

-No I don’t live off broccoli and chicken it is in 2 sometimes 3 meals out of my 6.

-I drink long blacks when I need coffee.

-Yes I train daily sometimes twice per day.

-Yes I am tired.

-Yes the bikini hardly covers my arse.

-No I’m not nervous about posing I’m a confident person and this seems like the easiest part.

-Yes I practice posing nearly every day and go to posing classes.

-No I don’t get hungry as I eat 6 meals a day – they are just very bland.

-No I don’t have my chicken in sauces – it is just chicken (maybe some herbs if I’m feeling fancy)

-Yes I have to get that super dark tan – it is 2 coats worth. 

-Yes I can walk surprisingly comfortably in my stripper heels.

-Yes the process is expensive I’ve easily clocked up $1000, with my bikini coming in at $400 alone.

-Yes I’m drinking a heap of water and get up at least 4 times a night to pee. (I know how pregnant ladies feel!)

-No I don’t miss drinking alcohol or partying.

-Yes I’ve sussed out my competition and do not see them as competition but rather as badass girls going through the same badass process as me! 

-Yes it was hard now it is just automatic.

-Yes if I were to do it again there would be things I would change.

-No I do nothing fitness related on stage, I literally strut my stuff and get judged on the appearance of my body.

-No I don’t win a cash prize. 

-No not everyone could do this – this shit is for the mentally, physically and emotionally strong.

-Yes I have abs and no I don’t want to show you in the middle of the supermarket/shopping centre/restaurant.

-Yes I’m taking supplements – 7.2 protein powder, Fat Burner, Pre-Workout, probiotic and apple cider vinegar. 

-Yes going out socially is hard as most social things I do revolve around food and surprisingly most restaurants don’t just serve steamed broc and chicken.

-I’m freezing cold constantly.

-Yes I look at my body in the mirror x10 to what I use to just to make sure I’m not going backwards and my phone is filled with selfies, inspo, food and my dogs.

-Yes I’ve changed how I perceive myself – now wanting to become more defined as opposed to 'smaller' (which has been bloody hard!) 

-Yes it is best to completely avoid me on no carb day. (This is strategically on Sundays where I have little human contact haha)

Wow that was surprisingly easy to get out! Hope I’ve answered all your questions – if you ever do have any questions please inbox me I’d be happy to write an email about it because if you have that question chances are another 10 girls will have the same one!

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Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

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