Thursday, June 18, 2015

Achieve results with this simple method...

I posted a status last week saying I’ve hit a fasted walk every morning for 3 week (nearly 4 weeks now – pause for victory dance!)

I had an array of questions mostly asking what keeps me motivated to get up as opposed to pushing snooze 3 times before coming up with a shitty excuse in your head of why you can’t go (which I know can be oh so tempting)  

Just like any fitness/health regime if you are consistent it gets easier and you get results.

With my walks I have done nothing fancy, the first week I woke up and looked for every excuse under the sun as to why I can't go out and walk – this happened every day and I had to trick myself into it by going for only 20 minutes (literally thinking to my self it is just around then block)– then I upped it in week 2 to 40 minutes and now in week 3 I’ve added 5kg ankle weights to my 40 minute walk and no longer have to convince myself of the benefits rather the quicker the walks done the quicker to breakfast .

It has now become routine – the initial pain (getting out of a warm bed to walk in the rain, wind and icy cold weather) was overcome by the long-term pleasure (leaner body for fitness comp)

You can apply this method to anything….

Not eating chocolate.
Loosing weight.
Hitting every training session.
No take away.
Quitting smoking.

Whatever your goals are instead of looking at it as something far away and impossible to reach, take it day-by-day, week-by-week, and month-by-month and these small wins add up very quickly.

Try not to over complicate the situation – if you want to get stronger lift weights often – if you want to loose weight eat less crap.

It takes 14 days to make or break a habit – stick it out!!

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

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