What is Pilates and why should you be doing it??
Most people think it is stretching and get it confused with yoga (more on this another day) and majority of people see celebrities doing it and think that’s what they need to do for their flat stomach.
But the real reason I teach Pilates and believe everyone should incorporate it into their daily gym routine is because it helps the body move better. You learn to use certain muscles with full control which in turn helps you with everyday situations like putting your shoe on or lifting a box or sitting at your desk (don’t let me catch you hunching!) Even getting out of bed! All movements we take for granted and eventually when age catches up with us these simple movements will become harder, uncomfortable and eventually impossible….
Unless you learn how to gain control over your entire body which is where Pilates comes in. It is BOTH a prehap and rehab system meaning you can use Pilates to prevent the above happening or use it to rehabilitate the body to a level of strength to preform functional movements.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, I get way to carried away with this stuff and could go on for days when I know all you want is that link for better abs right??
Because Pilates is about full body control exercises range from arms, back, chest and glutes but the most common use for the younger generation with no prior movement issues is for a killer core (or powerhouse) workout.
And I agree since incorporating Pilates DAILY I have noticed a MASSIVE improvement with my abs and the same goes for all my HEARTCORE girl their rigs are looking mighty fine!
So I want to share with you a very basic 6 minute Pilates mat series that is safe to do everyday!
Remembering technique is very important and is obviously hard to coach you from cyber space so if you enjoy this video and would like to take things further in creating a lean body contact me and I’ll try my best to get you into my HEARTCORE groups… NO guarantee if spaces will be available!
Part 2 to follow soon so stay tuned!
Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X
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