Monday, March 28, 2016

Don't judge me but….

To celebrate my blog having over 24,000 views I thought I'd keep this post a little light hearted by sharing some facts about me….

If you think you’re a weirdo here is 10 interesting facts about me that might make you seem a little less weird….

1 – When main street is busy I never let people in when they are coming out of the KFC drive thru.

2 – I refuse to wash the dishes because the floating bits of grossness make me want to spew.

3 – I haven’t had McDonalds since I went to Europe in 2013.

4 – It gives me anxiety when girls load their barbells with non-matching weight plates.

5 – It also stresses me out when people (Matt) put their feet through to the seats in front of them at the cinemas.

6 – If you chew with your mouth opened around me I’m plotting in my head how to kill you.

7 – I was working in a food van once when someone asked for a kransky so I literally put the kransky in a bag and gave it to them – no bread, no condiments.

8 – Once when I was upset I drove through the car wash and ate a whole block of black forest chocolate in the time it took to clean the car.

9 – I dance around the house all the time – especially when I’m waiting for the microwave or food to cook.

10 – I was super blind (short sighted) but had laser eye surgery in 2011.

Anddd that is was way to easy to type out lol… 

I'm coming back twice a week with blogging because I've got some killah content to share with you all so stay tuned for Thursday :P 

Stay Strong & Stretch, 
Tel X

Monday, March 21, 2016

How to avoid a holiday BLOW out!

I know you've at some point been eating really well & training super hard for an up coming holiday - makes sense - if you're anything like me you'll going to some tropical, hot location which means you'll be in a bikini almost daily and if you're not in a bikini it's minimal clothes to get you through the 40 degree heat & you want to be looking fabulous, lean & toned! 


But what happens when you work so bloody hard and are looking only to start eating absolute crap from the moment you get into the car on THE WAY to your holiday destination - your hard work won't automatically go completely down the drain but you will bloat & feel pretty puffy when that bikini comes out - let alone 3 days into your holiday when it's all about food & cocktails with the occasional movement when you need to rotate from tanning front to back...  

Some handy tips I have for keeping me lean whilst still downing a sex on the beach:

FASTING - So if you're a huge breaky lover this already sounds daunting I know! But you have two options - late dinner late breaky/brunch OR early dinner early breaky - fasting (not eating for a prolonged period of time 12-16 hours) gives your digestive system a chance to catch up on all the crap you've been shoveling in, will leave you feeling flatter, more energetic & you'll actually be hungry for lunch! 

BLACK COFFEE - So traveling o/s can leave you constipated (ew poo) by starting your day with a black coffee it helps combat any toilet troubles. *ovbs avoid if you have the opposite issue! 

SWEAT - Get a sweat on daily - includes dancing of course..

WALK - To the beach, to the cafe - where ever it is walk! 

GREEN CAPS - It's likely you won't eat as many veggies as you usually do when you're on holidays so I find a travel friendly greens supp such as 7.2 Greens Caps is an easy way to get my daily nutrients in.

NO CRAP TAKE AWAY - You're in a wonderful location with beautiful local dishes & you eat Maccas!!? WHY?!? Try and eat as the locals eat.

BIGGER MAINS LESS SNACKING - Pretty self explanatory eat bigger main meals wity entrees if you please and then don't snack between. 

BE ADVENTUROUS - I'm AWLAYS down for lounging by the pool (currently what I'm doing) it's great to mix things up by adding in some activities such as stand up paddle boarding, surfing, swimming & hiking just to name a few! 

So there you have it easy to follow tips to help you keep that holiday blow out away - now bring on the #bikiniselfies 

Stay Strong & Stretch, 
Tel x

PS - Sex on the beach is a cocktail for anyone worried about what I get up to on the beach! 

Thursday, March 17, 2016


We go through hard times, everyone does it’s just a part of life and if we never experienced hard times we would never know nor appreciate the good times…

Everyone’s stresses are different and in my career I hear a so many stories on a weekly basis whether it’s girls drowning in debt, uni, work, events or relationships – the core of these stresses usually involves us trying to juggling and deal with too many things at once or trying to keep everyone happy thus suffering emotionally.

These bricks of stress build daily stacking away, we don’t deal with them, we just keep adding to the pile and before we know it there is a wall. A big arse wall that is about to crash and fall.

Sounds all familiar right?

What people forget is that they are never alone in any situation.

What people also don’t realise is that by pushing the stresses lower and deeper will not make them go away.

And what people REALLY don’t understand is that if they address their stresses it can help relieve them.

Some tips on how I juggle my sometimes overwhelming, hectic yet exciting life involve two simple things:

-Ask for help! Sounds simple right? That’s because it is! I’m talking anything from dishes to financial – if you need help, just ask if you’re surrounding yourself with people that love you, they will always be wanting to help take a weight off your shoulders.

-Take a break – Every 3 months Matt & I get away, yes we love our business and everyone involved and that’s why we feel it’s an important key – if we are tired, grumpy and stressed it reflects directly back onto the people around us. A week away allows our bodies & mind to re-charge.


So where I’m going with this is I get stressed, you get stressed, the person next to you gets stressed – it’s a part of life don’t let your bricks pile up only just to crash and fall - address the issue and turn your brick wall into a pavement of success.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

P.S - On that note I’m off to Bali first thing tomorrow for some well-deserved R&R but stay tuned for my next blog on how not to blow out on holidays while still sucking down cocktails…