Monday, February 29, 2016

Enough with the ‘CLEAN FOODS’

You’ve no doubt come across the word clean eating, especially when it comes to the fitness and food industry….

It just makes me cringe every time I see or hear it!!!

I HATE that word – ‘clean’ since when was food dirty?!

Should I wash this donut before I eat it? Is it clean then? Will I go to dirty hell for eating this pasta because it’s not considered clean?

NO & NO.

Stop making girls feel bad by labelling foods as clean and pushing them to eat only these ‘clean’ foods.

IT does MORE damage then good.

This is the cycle -

-Females via social media become more aware of food & lifestyle choices.

-They are forced fed through ‘gurus’, raw treats, fads, detox teas, Internet & all other forms of media that you must eat only salads and ‘clean’ foods.

-Females become fatigued due to lack of food and become obsessed with what they eat.

-They punish themselves for eating a piece of bread or chocolate because it’s not ‘clean’.

-They go back to social media for ideas on what and how to eat and then repeat the cycle.

Do you know how many girls minds I’ve had to re-wire because of the worlds ridiculous ‘clean’ food rampage?!?!

Okay Chantel I get it – you don’t believe in the term ‘clean’ eating WE GET IT – so what do you believe in???

For LONG TERM health & results

I am ALL for the 80/20 eating style - this is how I eat - I believe 80% of our food intake should be foods that help fuel the body and help make it run how it should – this allows you to train better, lifer heavier and it keeps you feeling and looking awesome! Your skin will glow, you insides will function perfectly and your energy will be buzzing.

Simple foods like rice, sweet spud, chicken, greens, veggies, fruits, meats, eggs – fresh produce that isn’t packaged or labelled ‘no fat’ ,‘no sugar’, ‘raw’, ‘super food’ OR ‘clean’.

I believe the other 20% should be foods your body just simply wants you know the good stuff that stops you being a crazy person - foods like pasta, pizza, wine & chocolate.  

This combination creates balance with your mind and body – you should never feel bad for eating certain foods – with EVERY female that has ever had my guidance when it comes to what to eat they are always so surprised about the amount of food I request them to eat and are even more shocked that there is days where they can eat whatever they want. 

For SHORT TERM goals & results -

When you have an end date to achieve something by e.g a photo shoot, wedding, comp prep - It is okay to become stricter on yourself knowing it is only for a small time frame BUT you need to know its only for a small time frame - you can't expect to live off chicken and broccoli for the rest of your life. So you have a short term goal coming up? Out source the best person to help, listen to what they have to say - smash the goal then continue with the above 80/20 lifestyle.

Don’t let what you consume, consume you.

I do have 4 positions for my 4 Week Health Plans in which I work one on one with you to get your body functioning how it should – no more yoyo dieting – only results – Interested or what to know more information? Inbox me or email me at

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My own personal arms, back & core program - a MUST watch for sexy definition….

Hey gals!

Arm, back & ab definition is sexy – I love how it is both feminine but also strong.

One main component to having defined arms is shoulders – you know that ‘cut in’ definition around the middle of the arm, well that’s got a lot to do with shoulders.

Secondly, I don’t know about you but I love wearing backless numbers knowing my back is looking lean, with a hint of muscle – working your back will allow your posture to improve which gives you a more approachable and confident vibe.

Lastly core – I know many girls are on a mission for a flat stomach, yes this has a lot to do with healthy eating but there are certain exercise which I find speed up the process. Those lines down the side of your stomach are due to obliques or ‘side abs’ by doing weighted oblique exercises you’re able to target these muscles and you’re able to make them pop just a little bit more.

The above would have to be my favourite things to train! I LOVEEEEEEE upper body and core so I’ll made this video for you all – it’s not only a work out video but also an informative video which will give you correct technique, tips….

Enjoy and don’t forget to share this post & tag your training partner!

Click the link below to watch:

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Need motivation? OPEN THIS NOW!!!

Common problem: ‘I’m struggling with motivation – how do you stay so motivated? – how do I find motivation?’

Simple answer you will not change or become motivated when

a) You keep telling yourself the SAME sh*t excuses


b) You don’t want to. 

It’s easy to say I want to eat healthy and start training but it is even easier to sit on the couch with a block of chocolate and say ‘tomorrow’….

PROMBLEM #1 - ‘I’m struggling with motivation’

If you find yourself week in and week out at some point saying ‘I need to get my sh*t together, this week I’m going to train and eat so healthy’ BUT deep down you know perfectly well you won’t – you’ve just become sucked into a routine of constantly failing - your brain knows this from the start and so do you!!!


Why are you trying the same method that didn’t work the last 4 times? Get yourself out of that rut and change it up – If you don’t want to eat healthy and train you won’t, so you’re not struggling with motivation you just don’t want to be motivated – there is a difference.

If you truly want it - you’ll get it.

PROBLEM #2 - ‘How do you stay so motivated?’

I don’t!

I’ll go through phases were I’m determined as hell and won’t rest until my end outcome is met and there is also phases where I’ll sit on the couch with fish and chips and watch hours of breaking bad.

Only difference I’m aware of my phases and when it’s GO time I make sure I’m ready to start and get shit done – you can’t expect to be motivated all year – set goals – make a plan – crush them…

I’ve come to the realisation that I’ve been fluffing through the last few month with no real end goals – so what did I do?

Tell myself I’m going to eat really well starting Monday…


I contacted Ellie Dean booked in a photoshoot in 3 weeks and entered my self in to be the face of Women’s Health 2016 BOOM!

If that doesn’t get me back on the broccoli bandwagon don’t know what will!

Which leads me to my last point…..

PROBLEM #3 ‘How do I find motivation?’

Find something that equally excites but scares you.

Don’t give me the same old I want to tone up bullshit.

From experience I’ve been most successful in hitting goals and staying motivated by having a timeline with an end date, the goal must put me out of my comfort zone, be a challenge and must scare me – simply because I know if it doesn’t hit those criteria I just won’t do it.

Don’t be afraid to aim high – motivation doesn’t stop once you leave the gym.

I find the more people I tell and the more I say what I want aloud the more efficient I am, the more I want it and the more accountable I am to those around me.

e.g If you tell everyone you work with you’re doing FebFast then the week later you’re talking about how you are going out on the weekend and you’re going to get wasted – how silly do you now look?!? 

We can all create our own reality… 

Stay Strong & Stretch, 
Tel X

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My SECRET go to recipes….

I LOVE simple & healthy meals that don't require a lot of prep work - if I read a recipe and it has over 5 ingredients OR I can only pronounce half of them I abort mission immediately - I finish work at 8:30pm almost every night so the quicker a meal can be made the better for me!

Don't get me wrong I CAN cook - I just feel like I'm better at other things like guitar hero, sudoku and training people. 

So as loyal followers I'm going to share with you 2 of my favourite go to meals - these meals require little prep work, they tick all nutritional boxes I need & they are super delicious! 


What you need:
-500G Extra lean beef mince
-250g packet 90sec microwave basmati or jasmine rice
-1 Jar regular pasta sauce 
-Handful (the bigger the better) of spinach
-Small sprinkle of light cheese 

Brown mince in a non stick fry pan on a low heat. 
Add sauce and simmer
Put rice in microwave for 90 seconds
Add spinach to mince and mix
Pour rice into a bowl
Put mince into the bowl
Spinkle with cheese

This serves me and Matt with Matt obviously having a lot more then me and there is usually a small amount of mince let over for either wraps the next day or we give it to the dogs. 

I'm for real - THAT.IS.IT!!!!


What you need:

-100g sweet spud grated
-2-3 egg whites 
-Small handful spinach chopped


Mix together and pour into frypan.

While cooking make topping:
1/4 avo
1 tablespoons light ricotta
Smash together and serve as shown.

Makes one. 

SO easy I know!!!!

Give my two yummy & super easy recipes a go and let me know what you think! Don't forget to tag someone who would love this or share it for all your friends to see! 

Stay Strong & Stretch, 
Tel X

Monday, February 1, 2016


September 18th 2016 – The day I become Mrs Prince – Chantel Maree Prince to be exact.

I’m excited as f*ck and it all became so much more real when I picked out my wedding dress.  

Which is tight – without giving too much away it hugs my skin from the top almost right down – this means every nook, cranny, lump & bump will be seen. (My mums voice instantly comes into my head ‘what lumps & bumps’ & ‘I want your lumps & bumps’)

I know every bride-to-be always wants to look 110% on their wedding day and I am no exception to this – with what seems like every second post on Facebook being an engagement announcement what better time to write about ‘shredding for the wedding’ in hope to give the many brides-to-be out there some guidance and tips on what I will be doing to become the HOTTEST bride ever – modest I know but IDGAF.

I’m all about structure so once I have a plan of attack set out in front of me I find it super easy to achieve what I set out to do.

I do this by setting up a table of ‘things’ I MUST achieve everyday.

Similar to the table below:



What I need to do daily is clearly set out in front of me & as I complete each thing they get a tick. 

I aim for EVERYTHING to be ticked.

But Chantel what sort of ‘things’ MUST I achieve everyday?!?!

Well this changes from person to person but for me who is a chocoholic and sugar addict who hates cooking, who can have troubles with digestion, who can also forget to drink water, who struggles to do any form of hardio (cardio), who wants maintain size and strength while leaning down, defining arms/back and improving posture, who doesn’t want their quads to grow any bigger but wants booty gains BUT also want to have a social life these are the ‘things’ I would incorporate and why.

(BTW see how specific I was ^^^^ you must be specific to know what you want!)

- FASTED WALK – no doubt you’ve heard me talk about this before. Walking for 20-40 minutes first thing in the morning before you’ve eaten not only wakes you up and fires up your metabolism but because you are walking before you eat you are burning fat directly rather then energy from food. BONUS POINT – Add ankle weights to help shred fat faster.

- GREENS POWDER – To fill in any nutritional needs, it’ll give you energy, beat cravings, help with digestion plus you just feel bloody good for doing it! I use 7.2 and can hook you up with some if you need just message me. BONUS POINT – if it’s cheap and from you super market its more then likely crap.

- PROBIOTIC – Bloating common? Look at taking a probiotic to help with digestion and gut health. No one wants a bloated bride (especially in my dress) BONUS POINT – because it has live bacteria in it you must store this product in the fridge – I like BioCeuticals

- MINIMUM 3L WATER – When you don’t drink a lot of water your body holds onto whatever water you do drink giving you a lovely ‘puffy’ look! So to avoid becoming ‘puffy’ drink a minimum of 3L of water a day – this will ensure your body is super hydrated and will release any water it doesn’t need. BONUS POINT – if you have skin troubles it’ll also help clear this up!

- NO PROCESSED SUGAR – AKA leave the chocolate and lollies alone!!!! Yes this includes ice-cream, slices, cookies, sugar free foods, raw foods, fat free foods – it’s all rubbish KA-PEESH! BONUS POINT – it takes 2 weeks to break a habit get past 2 weeks and you’ll find this a lot easier as sugar is actually addictive – watch ‘That sugar film’ for some extra motivation.

- TRAIN HEAVY (3 times per week) – Training heavy will make you bulky. False. The foods mentioned above will make you bulky. If you want lean muscle mass you must lift heavy. I’ll mostly be making my programming glute and back focused. BONUS POINT – PAY someone to write a specific program for you – if you’re dropping thousands of dollars on a wedding don’t get tight when it comes to getting your body in fine form – this goes for specific food help too. I’m available to help with both.

- HARDIO (2 times per week) – It’s hard, I know but just do it. Sweat melts fat. BONUS POINT - Trick yourself by going on adventurous hikes.

-ESPRESSO – This is the only thing that makes me a morning person – if I’ve told you I haven’t had my morning coffee run the other way. BONUS POINT – compared to your usual latte, espressos have minimal calories and zero sugar!

- BODY BRUSHING – Don’t know what this is? Google it. It’s a simple method of rubbing the body in a circular motion, I do it once I’m dry and I’ve just gotten out the shower. It helps reduce cellulite and firms skin. BONUS POINT – after body brushing instead of using moisturiser use coconut oil for a deeper hydration.

These are ‘things’ I have on my daily check off sheet – what I would suggest for you would be to write down your bad habits that you know are leaving you FEELING sluggish & frumpy some common ones may be:

No alcohol.
No soft drink.
No takeaway.
Green veggies with dinner.
8 hours sleep.
Make training.

This will create a personalised check off sheet specifically designed for you the bride-to-be.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X