Monday, January 19, 2015

I have had enough!!!!

Although I have just started blogging I have been writing for a little while, here is a post from October 2014….

As I write this piece by piece of smarties chocolate is being consumed.

Hang on what?!?

Nope you read right! I’m currently eating chocolate and lets be honest now the block is opened it’s more then likely going to be finished by the time I finish writing.

Why am I telling you this? Because I’m sick of being a choco-holic! I’m sick of having a ‘good’ week where I’ll consume none and a ‘bad’ week were it’ll get eaten everyday only to feel terrible afterwards. YES I believe consumption of ‘naughty ‘ foods in moderation is perfectly okay but my problem with chocolate is there is no such thing!!! So I’ve decided it’s all or nothing.

So this will be the last piece of chocolate that I let slide past my lips until Christmas and it’s just that black and white!

Do you constantly find yourself in a battle between binges, weak moments and cravings and wish black and white were as simple as people make it sound? Here are some tips to help you establish the black and white rule!

-Tell everyone! The more people you tell the more you’ll be held accountable in the lunchroom or at the dinner table.

-Set a goal date 1 month, 2 years, forever… Once you reach this goal re-assess.

-Have a friend – It’s way easier to have support, someone you can call when you really just want one bite! I’m sure your bffl/sister/mum have a habit they would like to cut (food, health, lifestyle anything!)

-Avoid these isles in the supermarkets.

-Learn to say no and feel proud about it – I know how much slack you can cop when you are out at a social event and say ‘I cant eat that’ but trust me the sense of self achievement is worth it and if you are that person that gives people slack STOP making others feel bad!!!

-Don’t cut every single ‘bad’ thing at once.

-Takes 21 days to form/break a habit so don’t give in after a week!

-Make it a competition – if your anything like me (super competitive) I find this useful, make a bet ‘first one to eat/do this….’ And make up your own rules. (I have a bet with Matt & if I fail I have to do all the washing and ironing for 1 year – that’s a big call for me as I hate doing either!)

Lastly have faith in yourself!


It is now Jan 2015 & drummmmm rolllllll………. 

I DID IT! I didn't eat chocolate until Christmas day and even then didn't really enjoy it. The results were amazing my stomach leaned out, I got rid of that last little pot area around my lower abs. It was motivating as hell!!! If I - a former chocolate addict - can do it SO CAN YOU!

Stay Strong & Stretch,

Tel X

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