Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Perception vs. Reality

Post comp I haven’t really stuck to a strict diet and meal plan - I’ve still been eating pretty basic with maybe a cheeky donut here and there. 

Although this diet is FANTASTIC for my soul turns out its now that great for my waistline!

I’m feeling soft, frumpy and just blah (yes this is a usual way I describe a lot of things!)

I feel this way because I can’t help but to compare my body to what it was comp prep.

It is stupid.

I’m far from fat but can’t help to squish my lower tummy and think ‘where’d this come from?’

Anyway that’s how I’ve been feeling and I know many of you go through the same thing daily…..

I ran into a past client of mine whom had a beautiful baby, we got talking and mid conversation she asks ‘have you lost weight?’

(Yes she is now my new best friend and I want to bring her everywhere with me)

It resinated with me not only because it made me feel awesome but made me stop and realised I’m being ridiculously hard on my poor body and that my perception of myself is completely different to other peoples reality.

As females we worry about minor imperfections – it’s like we stand in front of a mirror and pick out the ‘worst’ parts about us and then threat about it 20 times a day.

Your ‘worst’ part that you are constantly worried about is more then likely someone’s idea of perfect and by you constantly putting your self down is only going to make you believe the ridiculous things you are saying.

So why waste your time and energy on something that is only going to leave you feeling self-conscious, unhappy and sad? Why not focus on the good parts?

‘I don’t have any good parts’ you are saying.

SHUT UP!!  That’s a big crock of poppy cock. 

First thing in the morning acknowledge 3 amazing parts of your body you admire, are thankful for or simply just like.

It’s kind of weird but so is telling yourself how disgusting you look everyday.

I’ll go first:

#1 I’m thankful for my perky boobs they are not too big or not to small and I get to enjoy going braless often.

#2 I admire my core strength, which is visible through my upper abs and obliques.

#3 I like my butt because it has shape and keeps me comfy when I sit down and it also makes me think I’m a black person when dancing. #twerking

Your turn.

Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel X

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