Thursday, February 12, 2015

I've found your competitor..

Okay so in sports the other team is obviously your competitor but I’m not talking on the field.

So what am I talking about?


Who are you competing against in life?

Think for a second and I bet a name or face pops up…


Nope try again…


You ARE unique there is not a single soul exactly constructed like you.

>>> That’s a pretty cool thought huh! <<<

So if we are unique why are we constantly trying to be like someone else? Why do we always need to be smaller, bigger, taller, leaner, faster, or stronger just because someone else is?

Because social media rubs it in our face that the norm is frockling around in bikinis 24/7 with a glowing tan, tiny lean as hell body, living the ‘good’ life and WE BELIVE IT! We follow these people and their ‘lavish’ life wanting, wishing and hoping to someday be like them.


It is social media and people only allow you to see what they want you to see, no way are they going to post of picture of their post dinner food baby (hey, happens to the best of us!) or their big ass pimple on their face. (There is an app for this people!)

So stop worrying what others are doing.

You are competing with no one but yourself. So focus on YOU and what YOU can achieve, have goals and smash them, not for anyone else but for YOU!!

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Now go kick todays butt!!

Stay Strong and Stretch,
Tel x

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