Monday, March 9, 2015

Duck it.

F#ck it, you know when you are just in the mood or state of mind where you just want to throw in the towel and give up? You try so bloody hard, you stay motivated, you push yourself out of your comfort zone then you don’t reach what you initially set out to achieve?

This could be anything fitness, health, work or life related.

Think of that one time where it just became too much and things didn’t go according to plan.

What happened next?

The self-doubt comes glooming in like why did I even bother? As if I could of done it anyway.

They are better then me, stronger than me more experienced then me. I will never be like them.

I’ve been here.

It sucked.

I have now learnt to use these ‘obstacles’ as motivation. It makes me realise how much I really want something and a small speed bump will not hold be back. A small speed bump is what gives me that little bit of air I need for lift off. It kicks my ass into gear and makes me do BIGGER and BETTER things EVERYTIME!!

At the end of the day we are where we are because of the choices we make.

If you choose to let someone get to you by telling your self that they are better then you, well chances are they will probably do better then you because if you don’t believe in yourself why should anyone else?

If you choose to see how good someone is and think “Man I can do that, I’m just as good if not better” confidence and positive energy will oozeeee out of that banging body!

At the point you want to stop and give up, DON’T remember why you started and use that speed bump at your ticket for take off.


Stay Strong & Stretch,
Tel  x

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